Hello, and welcome! This is my VRC Goatling avatar. A super cute goat base avatar for VR chat.
Overall Performance: Medium PC (very poor on Quest)
MMD visemes
An outfit consisting of a Collar and Sweater
Interactive Milk bottle that you and others can drink from (PC only)
Nose boop with sound and particles (PC only)
Size sliders
3.0 avatar (with Physbones)
Full body tracking compatible
Hue adjust for Eyes, Sweater, and Hair
Two different body and Face textures (alternate UVs)
Dissolve transitions on Sweater (PC only)
3 alternate Eye textures (alternate UVs)
Ram and small horns (can be toggled off)
*The project files PC and Quest(Unity Scene is already setup)
*Substance Files (for the body)
Current VRC Creator Companion - https://vcc.docs.vrchat.com/
Unity version used 2022.3.6f1
Poiyomi -https://github.com/poiyomi/PoiyomiToonShader/releases
-Not for resale (personal use only). You can use any part in/on another (personal Use) avatar, but you cannot distribute or resale those parts no matter how modified.
-You may modify in any way you see fit, you may create videos, animations, and stream with it. Making a profit from videos, animations, and streaming is fine (just do not sell the model itself)
-You can allow another person to work on the avatar, but they must also have a purchased copy or agree to remove them once the work is done.
-Not for AI training of any kind (this applies to not just the model but any images or video)
Other Licensing and Credits
SuckingThruAStraw.MP3 by 4Cairnz -- https://freesound.org/s/689640/ -- License: Creative Commons 0
Goat Bah by https://soundbible.com/619-Goat-Bah.html - License: Attribution 3.0
tilted_drink by phi16 - https://github.com/phi16/VRC_storage - License: Creative Commons 0
Some of the UI icons are edited public domain Icons from https://publicdomainvectors.org/
Special thanks to BovineBombshell and Rosezronin1
for help
Unity Blood drip trail -https://argovrc.gumroad.com/l/VRChatBloodTrail- License: CC0
Contact info
Discord: Meeproar - Message me if you find any issues, or if you have any requests for the next update.
Twitter X Here
Note: Once again if you find any issues please let me know. Also, note this is the safe for employment version