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Hello, and welcome! This is my VRC Goatling avatar. A super cute goat base avatar for VR chat.

Overall Performance: Medium PC (very poor on Quest)


  • MMD visemes

  • An outfit consisting of a Collar and Sweater

  • Interactive Milk bottle that you and others can drink from (PC only)

  • Nose boop with sound and particles (PC only)

  • Size sliders

  • 3.0 avatar (with Physbones)

  • Full body tracking compatible

  • Hue adjust for Eyes, Sweater, and Hair

  • Two different body and Face textures (alternate UVs)

  • Dissolve transitions on Sweater (PC only)

  • 3 alternate Eye textures (alternate UVs)

  • Ram and small horns (can be toggled off)


  • *The project files PC and Quest(Unity Scene is already setup)

  • *Substance Files (for the body)

  • *.Blends


Current VRC Creator Companion -

Unity version used 2022.3.6f1

Poiyomi -


-Not for resale (personal use only). You can use any part in/on another (personal Use) avatar, but you cannot distribute or resale those parts no matter how modified.

-You may modify in any way you see fit, you may create videos, animations, and stream with it. Making a profit from videos, animations, and streaming is fine (just do not sell the model itself)

-You can allow another person to work on the avatar, but they must also have a purchased copy or agree to remove them once the work is done.

-Not for AI training of any kind (this applies to not just the model but any images or video)

Other Licensing and Credits

SuckingThruAStraw.MP3 by 4Cairnz -- -- License: Creative Commons 0

Goat Bah by - License: Attribution 3.0

tilted_drink by phi16 - - License: Creative Commons 0

Some of the UI icons are edited public domain Icons from

Special thanks to BovineBombshell and Rosezronin1
for help

Unity Blood drip trail - License: CC0

Contact info

Discord: Meeproar - Message me if you find any issues, or if you have any requests for the next update.

Twitter X Here

Note: Once again if you find any issues please let me know. Also, note this is the safe for employment version

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