From the README:
Convert a VRChat SDK3 avatar to ChilloutVR with this Unity script!
Tested with:
- VRChat Avatar SDK3 2021.02.23
- ChilloutVR CCK 2.3
- Unity 2019.4.13f1
Tested using avatar Canis Woof by Rezillo Ryker:
- Copy your VRChat avatar Unity project and open it in Unity 2019
- Install the ChilloutVR CCK (FAQ channel in their Discord)
- Import the vrc3cvr
- Click PeanutTools -> VRC Chillout Converter.
- Select the VRC avatar you want to convert.
- Click Convert.
What does it do?
- adds a ChilloutVR avatar component (if missing)
- sets the face mesh
- sets the visemes
- sets the blink blendshapes
- sets the viewpoint and voice position to the VRChat avatar viewpoint
- adds an advanced avatar setting for each VRChat parameter
- using Sliders for each parameter (for booleans 50%-100% is true)
- converts each animator controller (gestures, FX, etc.) to support ChilloutVR's gesture system
- ChilloutVR only supports float parameters so booleans and ints have been converted
Click to expand description