Before you purchase this base, please try the public showcase version of this avatar! I can not guarantee that this model will work in NeosVR since that is not my focus.
Foxx :3 Avatar - by TeaLBiTZ Public Avatar Available Here:
Currently Included: Instructions 8 Facial expressions (Linked to hand gestures & avatar menu) Custom blinking solution to avoid blinks past the cheeks (can easily change back to the default method if wanted) Visemes Avatar 3.0 SDK Fullbody tracking compatible Basic tail puppet controls 3 fur patterns (4096x4096px) Unitypackage file Krita files (Eyes and Icons only for now) Substance Painter file Blender file Basic blend shapes to modify the body shape (breasts, body fat, and abs) Phys Bone for the ears, tail, floofs, tongue, n whiskers Digitigrade leg rigging Furality shaders Furality Fins Luma Glow w/ Audio Link Planned Content: Clothing Attacher Addon Clothing Props More body materials Quest fallback avatar Custom emotes and animations More facial expressions Krita/ PSD files for the body textures (for those who can't/ don't want to use Substance) ArmorPaint texturing files (alternative to Substance Painter) VSFAvatar and VRM files All planned content will be included free of charge ^^
Licensing: Upon purchase, you are free to edit and use the files as well as outsource to whomever (I don't have a whitelist of people who can edit)
Make public versions of this avatar (as long as it'll be on an avatar pedastal) Import into other games such as ChilloutVR, NeosVR, Phasmophobia, BeatSaber, etc. Modify whatever (geometry, textures, etc.) for yourself Outsource to others (as long as all parties purchased the base) Re-texture or make species edits as a commission (as long as all parties purchased the base) Use for VTubing streaming (just give credit to me: Remove the ad band from their wrist
Claim it as your own Modify or remove the signature inside the chest (you can add your name next to it if you made a commission) Use inappropriate edits in Public instances Resell, redistribute, or give away this base or any content within (such as props or animations) Sell as a subproduct (3D prints, posters, etc.) Send the work files to anyone who hasn't purchased this base Use to make hateful, racist, political, homophobic, xenophobic, or any radical content Use this base as part of an NFT (I DO NOT want my work associated with NFTs of any sort)!
If you don't know how to import this into VRChat, don't worry! There's a guide included. For customizing the avatar though, you will need to know how to use Unity and/ or Blender and Substance Painter. There is a readme on how the Foxx avatar differs from a typical avatar behind the scenes ^^