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Discord: xohu#0045 , Void#1509
Code : ' MochaAgain ' for 15% Off
Mocha V1
- Long hair - onionvr.gumroad.com/l/ShyHair
- Base - marivr.gumroad.com/l/Deira
- Panty - marivr.gumroad.com/l/Deira
- Sweatpants - xohu#0045
- Hat - xohu#0045
- Jersey - xohu#0045
- Sweater - xohu#0045
- Shorts - xohu#0045
- Slides - xohu#0045
- Shoes - xohu#0045
- Glasses -cheesestore.gumroad.com/l/ono-oyes
Mocha V2
- Hair -minichibi.gumroad.com/l/dreadmulti
- Base - marivr.gumroad.com/l/Deira
- Shirt - marivr.gumroad.com/l/Deira
- Tail - https://marivr.gumroad.com/l/PuppyAssetbyMari
- Cuban Chains - mydudegideon.gumroad.com/l/mdgchains
- Ears - snailproof.gumroad.com/l/bNMbp
- Pants - kc3d.gumroad.com/l/V03KbyKC
- Vest - sophievrc.gumroad.com/l/lbXAX
- Arm Sleeve - Void#1509
- Socks - Void#1509
- Shorts - xohu#0045 & Void#1509
- Hat - xohu#0045
- Jersey - xohu#0045
- Tank Top - xohu#0045
- Shoes - xohu#0045
- Letterman Jacket - xohu#0045
- Poiyomi Toon Version 7.3.050+
- Arktoon Shaders
- Unity Version 2019.4.31f1
Mocha V1
- Polygon Count: 181,559
- Mesh Count: 16
- Material Count: 21
- Not Quest Compatible
Mocha V2
- Polygon Count: 175,562
- Mesh Count: 17
- Material Count: 27
- Not Quest Compatible
SDK Toggles
Mocha V1
- 2 Hair Toggles (Bald and Long Hair)
- Outfit Toggles (12 Variations)
- Footwear Toggles (Sneakers, Slides, Barefoot, Etc.)
- Hat Toggles (Backwards, Forwards, and Off)
- Panty Toggle
- Tail Types (6 Variations)
- Ear Types (6 Variations)
- Claw Toggles (4 Variations)
- Chest Toggle
- Jersey Swaps (7 Variations)
Mocha V2
Outfit Toggles (12 Variations)
Footwear Toggles (Sneakers, Socks, Barefoot, Etc.)
Accessories Toggles (Hat, Arm Sleeve, and Off)
Body Modifications (Claws, Ears. and Tail)
Design Swaps (Jerseys, Shoes, Hats, Etc.)
Hue Toggles (Jersey, Pants, Shoes, Etc.)
Locomotion Toggles
Fixed avatar lighting
Easier to customize the avatar within Blender/Unity
Reduced the amount of "Body" materials from 6 to 1
Re-worked animations for Clothing Toggles
Added Chest, Spine, and Hip Colliders
Adjust floor collider to be centered at the bottom of Mocha's Feet
Added the Photoshop Document (PSD File) of Mocha's Body and Face
Re-Weight painted all clothing to prevent further clipping
Reworked the bone hierarchy for the armature to be more condensed
Added new BlendShapes to the "Body_All", "Jersey", "Undertop", "Slides", and "Joggers"
Added a Lite prefab version of Mocha (Only difference being that the Jersey Swap Function is removed from the clothing menus, to reduce the amount of base materials on the avatar
Changed the caps render preset to be "Opaque", due to the use of TransClipping will lead to the visible hair to appear as invisible from many angles. (Can easily be reverted)
Fixed Panties (Mocha v1)
- Fixed an issue with Back Hair Clipping
- Added Mocha's Body PSD
- Disabled Additive and Base playable layers
- Converted to the PhysBones system
- Fixed Alpha masking on Body material
- Added the re-imagined version of Mocha, previous version of Mocha is still available to download.
- Added missing viseme (vrc.v_sil)
- Added Gogo Locomotion
Terms of Use
These terms of use are subject to change or revision. If you continue to use the site after any changes are made, you are deemed to agree to the changed or revised terms.
- This package CAN NOT be redistributed, given, or shared in any state
- This avatar CAN NOT be uploaded as public in any social vr platform
- This model CAN NOT be used in any commercial capacity
- DO NOT delete the credit meshes/texture, doing so will violate these terms
- DO NOT purchase this if you have no unity knowledge.
- DO NOT take assets from this avatar for your own work.