I made my own avatar recently and started playing around with blendshapes. Ended up with a character maker of sorts, though it's not incredibly in depth. There are two scene files: Male and female. This includes xiexe's toon shader, and some gestures. One of the gestures activates a dbz aura, credits at the end of the description.
You can customize within unity by selecting the mesh ("Body" in the avatar hierarchy) and setting values for the blendshapes in the inspector (You can see all the shapes in one of the previews here). Mix and match to get what you want! (While not shown here, female shape works with all other shapes, albeit with some rough spots you'll have to smooth out.) If you do this in blender instead, mix and match, make a new blendshape with the mix, then set that as the basis shape. By doing this, you can smooth out and/or manually modify whatever you may need without compromising the visemes too much.
While you can use the default texture and add color to it, I recommend painting a new texture in blender, mostly because the eyes and mouth share the same texture and material. The body texture needs to be imported with mipmaps disabled! The default one is already set up, but for new ones, click on the texture file (not material, texture) and on the inspector disable "Generate Mip Maps". If you don't do this, the model will look very strange when seen from a distance. This is my mistake for not leaving a big enough margin for textures, sorry!
If you have dynamic bones installed, the tail and the female version's breasts have them set up (or at least, they should. I've shared stuff with dynamic bones with a friend and had issues with them not saving the root bone)
If you don't like being butt naked, mmd clothes are surprisingly compatible, albeit with a couple of clipping issues if you don't delete whatever would be hidden by them. My own avatar uses mmd t-shirt and cargo shorts that were resized to fit. Just remember to rename the clothes' bones to the same as the original skeleton's respective bone
Credits: xiexe's unity toon shader https://github.com/Xiexe/Xiexes-Unity-Shaders/releases/
Aura is from "DBFZ Ssj Goku FULL BODY (34k poly) By: CrypticLight" https://vrcmods.com/item/2504-DBFZ-Ssj-Goku-FULL-BODY-34k-poly-By-CrypticLight
Edit: This is just for kicks, if you decide to make something else out of this (maybe even improve it) feel free to share anywhere as long as you mention me.
Edit2: I'm loving these comments already. Keep 'em coming
Edit3: 180 downloads and -8 points lol I'm even on trending. Furries be like yoink and decent people be like "fuck no"