A harness made for the Sweet Cervus Deer avatar by Darbi ~
This harness has four straps with prefabs setup for dynamics and colliders.
However the straps can be disabled too, they're on their own separate mesh.
The model is made up of 27436 Polygons and 52 bones.
Includes 4 FBX variants, a prefab, and 7 colour variants.
Has all of the "body type" blendshapes on the Sweet Cervus accounted for ~
Uses 2 material slots, however I included variants of the fbx for separating metals onto their own material, joining the straps and harness into one object and vie versa.
Includes a tutorial video on how to setup in unity using the prefab provided.
Essentially just parent the bones like any other piece of clothing, with the straps all parented to the hip bone.
And after parenting, be sure to add physbone exclusions for the extra bones on the tail and butt armatures.
I have this shown in detail in the tutorial video.