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VRChat ready avatar; avatar with all textures including Substance File and unity package. I built this with SDK 3.0


Dynamic Bones are not included

Poiyomi Shader Requierd 

Using Unity 2019.4.31f1 (64-bit)

Uses Substance painter 7.2.2


  • Unity Package (PC and Quest)

  • Substance File (Sperate)

Future Additions (Once I know everything is good) *All Updates are free*

  • Blaster

  • Spear

  • High Poly Version (Had some issues didn't make it into release)

  • Fully Rigged Models


I'm pretty simple you can modify and do whatever you want with the model. The only thing is that you don't buy the model turnaround and resell it. 

If something is broken or seems off please contact me and let me know. You can contact me on Twitter, discord

Lux Aeterna#0256

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25.00 USD
This price may be different on the official website.