Help boost morale around the base by dressing up in a custom set of clone armor. "Good Soldiers Eat Carrots" Loege
- What inside the package.
Clone Trooper Armor FBX
Undersuit Substance file
Clone Armor Substance file
Clone Trooper Blend file
Clone trooper Unity package
- Requirements
Rantichi V2
Move the digi leg blend shape to 100
You cannot resell this product or any edits made to it
you are free to make edits but you cannot sell it
you a free to distribute this product anyway you see fit [but you cannot sell it]
- Know Issues
The tummy clips through center in certain angles [suggested fix make the rantichi torso a blend shape to make it smaller.]
The armored pomfers clip through the wrist a little
- Coming Updates
will be adding 2 pauldrons and a kama
will be fixing the weight paint for armored pomfer
- Credits
Clone Troopers Of VRChat for the Clone assest's
Rantis for the base avatar