A fashionable Harness for The Winterbold! Whether you're suspending from the frozen peak of a mountain or burning up in the club, this outfit has you covered!
This asset is designed for The Winterbold VRChat Avatar Available Here!
This asset pairs well with The Winterbold Hornpack, The Deerbold Retexture, and The Bunnybold Addon. Get all 4 together in The Deerbold Bundle Here!
This Harness is designed to work in VRChat and has several features such as:
Easy Modular Drag-and-Drop Installation
11 Material Swaps
Basic Cloth
Accented Cloth
Raver (AudioLinked)
Pawprint Rave (AudioLinked)
Black Leather
Hide Harness Toggle
Automatically matches avatar breasts toggle
Automatically matches avatar feminine toggle
Hide Muzzle Toggle
Muzzle On Mute (Toggleable)
Muzzle Viseme Sync
Muzzle Face Tracking Sync
Hue Shift (PC Only)
Preconfigured Physbones
Show Lead
Handle Types
Cloth Handle
Carabiner Handle
World Clip
- Drop the lead in the world to stay attached regardless of where you move! Great for making it look like you're suspended from the ceiling (May require advanced movement such as OVR Advanced Settings or GoGoLoco to take full advantage of effect)
Various blendshapes to hide parts of the harness for better compatibility with outfits
Various blendshapes/modules to increase compatibility with popular edit
Included in the package are:
.unitypackage for the Winterbold Harness and VRChat features
Substance Painter 10.0.1 Project File
Blender Project File
.FBX Meshes
This asset requires The Winterbold by ItsGuusy in a VRChat Avatar Unity Project, VRCFury, and Poiyomi Shader
Terms Of Use:
The package is built for VRChat in mind, use in other vr games/3d software is ok under the conditions that the package and its assets are not resold or distributed. Usage of the asset without a purchased license is not permitted and redistribution of the package is not permitted outside of use in the following cases:
Usage of and Publishing of Public VRChat Avatars with the asset are allowed with the requirement the published avatar with the asset is only available via VRChat (you cannot publish a unitypackage or otherwise featuring the asset. A published public avatar with the asset must be provided through VRChat exclusively, or in a way that avoids providing the unlicensed user direct usage of the asset's files)
By purchasing and/or using this asset, you agree to these terms which may be updated at any time.
Essentially, don't redistribute it unless in the cases listed above.Thank you so much to everyone who has picked up a Winterbold or it's related assets. I hope you enjoy this harness! 💙