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It is a fox of a half spirit and a half beast. Two avatars, a spirit body and an entity, are included in the set. 〇 Update history 2021/2/17 v.1.00 Now on sale 2021/3/8 v.1.01 Update-Minor correction-Added new texture color-Attach password for separately distributed product (Details: Update history.txt)

〇Overview Number of polygons: △ 27219 Polygons (spirit body) △ 17839 Polygons (entity) Gesture facial expression animation set DynamicBone set Lip sync set Eye tracking set MMD world facial expression support

〇 File contents blend -magatoki.blend (spirit blender data) -magatoki_living.blend (physical blender data) document (specifications) unitypackage -magatoki_ghost.unitypackage (spirit unity data) -magatoki_living.unitypackage (physical unity data) fbx -magatoki_ghost.fbx (Psychic fbx data) -magatoki_living.fbx (Physical fbx data) texture -tex_body.png (Physical main texture) -tex_body_ghost.png (Physical body main texture) -tex_body_outline.png (Common outline color texture) -tex_body_outline_mask.png ( Common outline mask texture) -tex_ghost.png (spirit body arm and foot, spirit body flesh ball main texture) texture.psd (texture for modification psd data) -tex_body.psd (original data of tex_body, tex_body_ghost) -tex_body_outline.psd (tex_body_outline, Original data of tex_body_outline_mask) -tex_ghost.psd readme license Installation procedure update history

〇External assets I'm using Sunao Shader Please import in advance. I'm using DynamicBone. (Import is optional) Please import VRCSDK2 or VRCSDK3.

〇In use [Terms of Service] This model is released under a UV license. In this model, in addition to the basic clauses, the following acts are permitted based on individual clauses. ・ Personal commercial use permission ・ Please refer to the following URL for the full text of the permission rules for adult expressions (sexual expressions).

[Terms of Use] This model is released under UV license. This model allows the following actions based on Individual terms in addition to the Basic Terms. ・ Personal Commercial Use ・ For Adults, Sexual Expressions Use For the full text of the rules, please refer to the following URL. Https:// % 9C% 93 & pcu = true & seu = true

Inquiry If you have any questions about the introduction, incomplete contents, questions, or opinions, please send a booth message or send it here. Email: twitter: @peeroopee Producer: Pero

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