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Chaos Canine won't
be contained or be house trained.

Unleash the mayhem.

Embrace Chaos


  • Designed with VRChat SDK3 in mind, will also work for applications such as Neos VR.

  • 14 body adjustment blendshapes, 12 facial blendshapes.

  • 3 ear options (normal, fold, and big), 3 tail options (fluffy, curled, and plump) and 2 hairstyles.

  • Face tracking support out of the box. Works with hardware that tracks your lips, eyes, or both. The part not being tracked will revert to using animations. Also togglable in game.

  • Two sets of animated facial expressions activated by hand gestures and expression menu in VRChat. One set for when you want to be expressive, and another set just to be cute!

  • Preset toggles for clothing items.

  • Tail control, toe control, and ear control with expression menu.

  • Tail wag, ear flick and breathing animations

  • Twist bones supported and already set up in Unity, allowing for more natural twisting motion on the arms and legs.s

  • Custom hand gestures designed to look good with Oculus and Vive controllers. Yes you can flip the bird!

  • Phys bones supported and already set up in Unity.

  • Fully set up SPP files for you to customize the texture in Substance Painter.

  • Fully set up PSD file with easy to use folders and layers.

  • Detailed guides for both absolute newcomers and advanced users.

Be at least a little bit unique.

Do you know that 50% of furries have some kind of canine fursona? You might be basic, but you can be -your- unique type of basic! Chaos Canine features 12 facial blendshapes, 14 body blendshapes, 3 ear options (normal, fold, and big), and 3 tail options (fluffy, curled, and plump). You can adapt Chaos to look just like your sona! Wolf, dog, fox, fennec, hyena…. (which are not canines, but close enough) Do whatever you want! The world is your oyster (which are also not canines).

Fully configurable

Infinitely variable

Fully Supports face tracking hardware (which you don't have).

Would you like to spend some more money on VR? Get the Vive facial tracker before HTC goes under, somehow attaching that to your headset, and enjoy having your expressions reflected by your virtual avatar in VRChat. We truly live in the future! Face tracking works even better in NeosVR, there are dozens of us playing that game, dozens!

Face tracking in VRChat. It works out of the box!

Made by a content creator who actually cares.

Unless you wipe your butt with cash, you probably value longevity in your purchases. Future updates to Chaos Canine will be -free-! There won't be major changes to the UV which renders your texture mods incompatible, or topology changes that made your custom clothes not fit anymore. To prevent grief from ever happening, each time major changes happen, the old version is archived and will always be available to download in case you need them.

Don’t know how to do anything?

Is this your first VR avatar? Don't worry, Instructional PDFs are included in the package you download. It's easier than putting together an Ikea furniture, and unlike Ikea's manuals, these PDFs have words as well as pictures.

You're still reading this?

Since you've already scrolled down this far, You must be really interested in causing Chaos… Go ahead and type 44.69 into the price field and -smash- that buy button. You can enter something like 44.7 if you don't want it to end in 69 (not judging), or just enter 45 if you want to fight against psychological pricing schemes. Maybe even 46 if you don’t like the psychological pricing scheme, -and- want to buy me a Subway cookie. Are you still reading after all these rambling? Just go! Embrace Chaos!

Stir up a frenzy

Prerequisites :

To use this model in VRChat, you need:

  • VRChat SDK3 for avatars.
  • The version of Unity currently supported by VRChat.

To use face tracking in VRChat, you need:

  • VRCFaceTracking OSC app**.**

Documentation on how to get and use these prerequisites are included in the package.

Included in Package:

  • Quick Start Guide for newcomers who are unfamiliar with Unity.

  • Customization Guide for both new and advanced avatar tinkerers.

  • Image Textures (.png .psd .spp) formatted for both metallic/smooth (Unity, VRChat) and metallic/rough (Blender, Neos, UE, etc).

  • Project file (.blend)

  • FBX file

  • Unity Package file (.unitypackage)


  • You are not allowed to resell any assets included in the package, or redistribute them in any way (even if they are modified).

  • You can share modified assets if each party has already purchased the assets.

Contact Info:

If you have any questions, feel free to find me at the discord server "Zawoo by Nimbkoll" or message me on Twitter.

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