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Due to popular demand, prepare to have your soul snatched by this meme dress!

Made for the Ghostly Mamagens.

Please only purchase this product if you have basic Blender and Unity knowledge!

Download includes:

  • Unity Package that includes all the colour presets and basic VRCFury setup
  • FBX files
  • Blender file
  • Substance Painter file for full texture customization
  • Photoshop file for base colour texture customization
  • 4K Textures, including Data and UV maps
  • User Guide PDF file with all the product info and notes


  • Adding the asset in Blender is highly recommended. (for parenting the outfit armature, and also making shape keys to shrink some parts of your own Mamagen for better fitting/less clipping)
  • The Unity Package comes with 4 preset materials for the Dress base and 3 preset materials for metal and chains! There's also a material set up for you to customize the colours in Unity yourself!
  • The prefab has basic VRCFury setup! It will now automatically link to your avatar's armature and add toggles to turn on/off the dress and also material swaps!
  • There is NO pregnant version of the outfit**.**
  • This product DOES NOT include the Mamagen base itself!



Please credit me if you are using this asset in any way!

You CAN:

  • Retexture and edit this model for your own personal use as much as you like.
  • Use this model in commissions (ex: being paid to retexture or used in a completed product), as long as the person commissioning(using the asset in the end) purchases the product. If the person paid to edit/modify the asset is not going to use the asset personally, they do not have to get the asset.
  • Use the asset for other games like Neo'sVR and ChilloutVR.
  • Use the asset for animation work and Vtuber stuff.

You CAN'T:

  • Remove the watermarked clothing tag on the outfit.

  • Claim it as your own work.

  • Distribute or resell the asset, even if it is modified.

  • Use the model with any malicious intentions, like spreading political ideologies and hate.

  • Ask for refunds, since this is a digital product.

This work is licenced under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (

If you guys have any questions at all, don't be afraid to send me a DM on my Twitter!

My Twitter

Please leave a rating if you can!

Thank you all for viewing and purchasing the asset! <3



  • Release