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VRChat SDK3 kangaroo base with togglable pouch, fluff, and hair. feel free to edit it to match your species of choice


You may:

  • upload this avatar base solely if you have bought the asset prior
  • Provide commissions for edits, etc. so long as the provider and receiver have bought the asset
  • use the model outside of VRChat so long as credit is given for the work
  • sell addons/props for the asset so long as it does not contain the assets in this package
  • upload public variants of this avatar (but keep it respectful)

You may not:

  • claim credit for the model, or redistribute/resell the assets included in this package

  • remove/overwrite the watermark tag inside the chest of the avatar


Template avatar uses Poiyomi, so be sure to install that and the latest VRC SDK first.


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