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This script enables users in your VRChat SDK3 world to type conveniently and fast on a physical keyboard, although it doesn't use physics and runs fully in code to have a minimal performance impact on the world. The keyboard can be dragged and even scaled by the user for an optimal experience.

The UnityPackage now also includes the chat system as seen in the VirtualFurence world which was originally created by TheHelpfulHelper and is being used with their permission. I first re-worked the script to make it run in a single UdonBehaviour and also fully documented the source code and fixed some bugs, but now ended up developing a brand new chat system for UNU which can handle multiple people sending messages at once, with a single behaviour and single synced string. This took forever to get it to work reliable when the chat is being used by many people at once, but the performance improvement over other approaches is worth it.

The keyboard model (fully rigged, textured, and even with 2 LODs) is included. The model was modeled, rigged, and textured by Cystrade and is being sold with his permission. The initial keyboard design was made by Sero Kaiju and is sold with his permission.

In order to be useable by avatars without proximal finger bones (common issue) and in order to provide a good experience for avatars of different sizes, this keyboard requires the universal AvatarCalibration-Script in your world ( This script is also installed in the test world linked below. Alternatively, you can use your own script to supply the keyboard with current avatar height and available finger bones.

Assembly Version limitation:

  • the unity inspector is harder to use since a custom inspector like in the script version can't be provided with assembly assets. There is also no description of the variables when you hover over them in the inspector, but a file with all descriptions is provided as well. The functionality is the same. Updating this version requires manual re-assignment, so it is recommended to get the script version instead whenever possible.

Current Version V2.1 features:

  • a single update loop / UdonBehaviour to run all keys with a minimal CPU frame time impact
  • keyboard can be dragged by pressing the trigger button
  • keyboard can be scaled by pressing both trigger buttons
  • keyboard emulates physical keyboard switches with various zones
  • comes with an example setup that includes a modified version of the THH chat system

It is recommended to test this out in the world linked below before you purchase. As always, if you find that a certain feature is missing, please let me know. I can add more features on-demand as I did for my other products as long as it makes sense for multiple people.

See the keyboard in action:

This feature can be tested in this world:

In order to be useable by avatars without proximal finger bones (common issue) and in order to provide a good experience for avatars of different sizes, this keyboard requires the AvatarCalibration-Script in your world ( This script is also installed in the test world linked above. Alternatively, you can use your own script to supply the keyboard with current avatar height and available finger bones.

Your world needs to be SDK3 in order to use this. There is documentation included and the setup should be as easy as copy-pasting the provided setup. I also included contact options in case you need help setting this up after purchase. All my products are designed to be easy to use without programming knowledge. There is a guide included on how to set it up and what each setting does.

Please make sure to test the feature in the world linked above before you buy it and make sure it fits all your needs.

I sell two different versions, you only need one or the other:

Udon Assembly: Assembly exports will be discontinued in V1.0 of UdonSharp, so I don't recommend getting this version anymore, since I can't update it anymore once that happens. It's fully functional with the limitations described above, but you can't modify the source code, only use it as-is and with the available customization options. Future updates will require you to assign the components again and set public variables again. This version exists to offer a cheaper option, but it is recommended to get the script version instead.

UdonSharp Script: Has a custom inspector with a detailed explanation of each setting when you hover over them, which makes it a lot easier to change settings. Source code is also included (and fully documented/explained), so you can understand how it works and modify it to your needs. You need to import UdonSharp (free C#-Udon compiler) into your project in order to use it. It is recommended to get this version since future updates won't require you to re-assign anything and it is much easier to use the inspector. Programming knowledge isn't required.


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