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What started off as a exact recreation of a gift for a friend, evolved into a nice and simple dual strap leather collar with optional tags.

With full VRC Physbones and just over 5,100 polys.

Includes the following:

  • Substance Painter files for both the black and pink textures (the same file with different colours set up)
  • 6 different tags to use (Heart, bone, circle, rounded circle, long tag and a ring)
  • Unitypackage file which includes the following
    • Two variants of the collar set up as prefabs

    • Materials set up in Mochies Unity Shader

    • Textures


If you need any support, have questions, or something is wrong, feel free to contact me on telegram @.ItsSavvo

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10.00 USD
This price may be different on the official website.