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Avali species by RyuujinZERO

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Try the Public Spiri'vali Avatar here


  • Full-body tracking ready with digitigrade leg motion

  • Fully Eye & Face-Tracked version included

  • Facial Expressions (gesture control) & full-face visemes

  • Tail, Ear, Wing and Toe Physbones

  • 4K Textures

  • Customization Blendshapes

  • Lower-poly versions (30k-60k) included to make room for clothing etc

  • Mobile & Fallback versions included (5k-20k poly)

  • All source files (Blender, Substance Painter, Photoshop/Krita PSD) included

  • User Manual with tutorial information


Upon purchasing Spiri'vali, you can do whatever you want with the model, except:

  1. You can’t claim that Spiri'vali is your own work.
  2. You can’t redistribute, share, or resell any of the Spiri'vali files.
  3. If you want to sell a customisation (e.g. a custom skin or other modification) of Spiri'vali to someone else, you may only do so if both you and the other person have purchased it.
  4. If you want to upload your Spiri'vali as a Public Avatar, you need to include the menu button, unchanged from the template avatars.

You are still responsible for any actions you take or modifications you make involving Spiri'vali.