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It is a 3D model Mitsuishi frog that supports the Humanoid format of Unity. This model is mainly intended for use with VRChat. Model Description This model is compatible with Unity's Humanoid format. Video: [Contents] ・ UnityPackage ・ FBX ・ Texture (both for unity and toolbag are included) ◆ Model information ◆ VRCSDK3 Polygon number: 13923tris Lip sync : Corresponding to crouching etc. Corresponding to blinking Shader: Standard Animation: Assorted poses Antenna shop Nekokoya included. Number of bones: 55 Please load the glowfrog scene in the package and use it. I don't know how to set it up. If you have any problems, please feel free to contact us. Terms of use, disclaimer, texture and model modification are not restricted.-This model can be used as a personal avatar in games such as VRChat. ・ Please do not upload as a public avatar. ・ Cannot be redistributed ・ We are not responsible for any troubles caused by using this product or a modified model Unity's Humanoid format. This is a 3D model of a glow frog. This model is mainly intended to be Used in VRChat. Model description This model is compatible with Unity's Humanoid format. Video: Contents UnityPackage FBX Textures (both for unity and toolbag are included) Model information VRCSDK3 Polygon count : 13932tris Lip-sync: supported Supports crouching, etc. Blink support Shaders: Standard Animation: Assorted poses Antenna store Nekokoya

Number of bones: 55

Please load the glowfrog scene in the package and use it.

If you don't know how to set it up. please feel free to contact us.

Terms of use and disclaimer

There are no restrictions on texture or model modification. This model can be used as a personal avatar in games such as VRChat. Do not upload this model as a public avatar. No redistribution. Please do not upload the model as a public avatar.

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