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Really basic unity static shader. This was an effect that I looked high and low for before I got into making shaders, yet could never seem to find. Now that I have gotten into writing shaders I figured I might as well make one real quick and distribute it :) (it truly is really simple, like, 5 lines of code). This shader was made with the expectation that it will be used in VRChat, but if you have another use for it go for it!

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  1. Opaque and transparent versions of the shader, opaque makes solid static out of two different colors, transparent uses one, but is see through.
  2. Customizable colors.
  3. Static density slider.
  4. Fallback texture slot, for when people have your avatar shaders off.


  1. You may not sell or distribute this shader as a standalone product.
  2. You may not sell or distribute this shader as part of any sort of bundle or collection of shaders or unity assets, unless otherwise specified in this TOS.
  3. You may transfer this shader between yourself and another individual freely. (Though it would be nice if you linked them the gumroad to download it themselves instead :)).
  4. You may include this shader on public and private avatars uploaded to vrchat.
  5. You may include this shader in free and paid avatar packages.
  6. I am not responsible for any damage caused by the use of this shader.
  7. These terms and conditions are subject to change at any time without notice.

If you are unsure whether your usage of this product would violate these terms, please reach out to me via the discord server above!

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