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The Mushroom Dog

The first official Myco base model


Low Poly count to suit all your optimization needs (19,880)

4 unique textures to choose from or customize (More to come in the future)

Plenty of rigged phys bones for all your wiggle needs (Ears,Tail, Cheek Fluff, Hair, Toes, Tongue)

Gogo Loco is 100% supported and already set up.

Comes with Poiyomi Toon as well!!!

Full body tracking ready!!

Avatar 3.0 to suit all those fancy toggles and gestures

Full facial gestures and blendshape tree

Many more blendshapes to customize the body to your needs, with more to come.

Full set of MMD blendshapes!

Unfortunately due to Adobe's recent decision to add in membership cancelation fees this avatar does not come Substance or Photoshop ready.