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This is the first of the multitude of hair packs I'm creating for my models. These are intended to be usable with any current and future models I create.

Shown from left to right is Ponytail, Long Hair, Unisex, and Sideswept.

Included in this purchase is the FBX, the .SPP file, textures, and a Unitypackage with a scene that contains my recommended size, Dynamic Bone settings, preset materials, and bounding box settings for the hair sets. If importing into a current project, I recommend opening up the scene and copying over the information into your existing scene.

These can be purchased for use with other models! Keep in mind they are designed for models with larger animal ears.

I've also textured the hair in such a way that you can easily tint the hair tone in Unity on the hair's material! Please see the displayed gif for a demonstration.

If you're interested in the models used in the display images, please check out my Canine pack!

15.00 USD
This price may be different on the official website.