I've been meaning to create my fursona for some time to have and to release as a basemodel for others. This is Sa-Mi! My awesome Fox-Cat hybrid. I hope you'll all enjoy her as much as I did creating her.
Includes Fully rigged armature with eye tracking, fullbody and shape keys for speaking.
This is a Full 3.0 Model that is also usable for 2.0 as well as being quest compatible with some proper setup.
Credit to my dear friend Choxy for the 3.0/animation setup- she did an amazing job creating all the 3.0 customization options in this setup.
A .PSD texture file with named, grouped and color tagged Layers for very easy editing and setup, Including UV overlay along with AO -shadows/shading detail for the body- layers.
The Poiyomi shader is included and recommended and is best for this model.
Be sure to check out Poiyomi's Patreon!
This base uses the unity Dynamic Bone assets https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/animation/dynamic-bone-16743
Credit and thanks to ask_amber for the use of her 3.0 Icons
Also credits to WetCat for the VRC locomotion Fix
Unity 2018.4.20f1
VRChat SDK 3.0
Dynamic bones
Basic knowledge of unity and uploading VRC avatars
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