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This is a fox avatar, made for use in VRChat. Has full facial visemes, face expression morphs, and is fullbody compatible. This model also comes with body customization blendshapes, for different body types, as well as facial and ear shape sliders.

This purchase comes with a unitypackage file with a compiled prefab, substance painter files, textures, and a .blend.




- You may customize this model however you like- you can even make public cloneable avatars with it.

- You may take commissions using this model, however if you're giving files, the other party must have also bought the model. You may also not upload commissioned avatars to the other party's account if they do not own the avatar off of Gumroad, you may only keep it as publicly cloneable on your own account. If a commissioner wants it private, they need to buy the avatar from me.

- Do not give out the model files to anyone that has not already bought and paid for it, for any reason.

- You MAY edit this model and then sell edits as bases for others to use, provided that anyone buying your base has bought the original model in the first place. You may sell mods of this model, but only to people who already own it.

- If you are commissioning someone else for textures for this model, and they do not already own the files, you may ONLY give out the substance file, and the substance file ONLY, for them to texture. If someone is compiling the entire avatar for you, or doing anything besides retextures, they must own it, or you will need to buy it for them.


Requires Dynamic Bones for floppy ears/tail:

Join my Discord for model updates, avatar help, avatar mods, WIPs, etc:\\

====== CHANGELOG ==========
6/23/21 - Added model version with vest, + added MMD facial blendshapes to work with MMD dance worlds.

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