No lip sync or eye tracking Avatar model "Night Gaunt" Producer: O-To-san By the time you purchase this model, you agree to these Terms of Use. The terms of use are subject to change and the latest ones apply. The manufacturer does not take any responsibility for any trouble or loss caused by using this model. Overview This model is based on the Cthulhu mythos nightgaunt, which is intended for use in VRChat. Compatible with Avater 2.0. 3. Please handle 0 by yourself. In addition to VRChat, it can be used in various media. Number of polygons: △ 16620 Texture resolution: 2048px No lip sync No eye tracking No full tiger aptitude (because the arm is too long) As a reference embedding, the VRM given in VRoidHub is shown, but the shader is different in the setup for VRC. , The appearance is slightly different. note that. Contents [VRM] ・ Nightgaunts (VRM) ・ unitypackage (About the inside of unitypackage) The following items are included. Please import directly into Unity. The shader uses Reflex Shader 2 and the latest version is included. This is in accordance with the original terms. -Nigahgaunts (prefab): A prefab for a single avatar. It is set to give a tickling finger animation in rock and roll. -NightgauntsinFlyObject (prefab): A prefab for avatars that is set to make an object with an animation that flies in the sky appear at FingerPoint. * The latter is for two FBX files, so the number of polygons will be doubled. Please note * If you want to use prefab, please import the latest VRC SDK first-[Animation] -fling appier: Animation to make a flying figure appear in the above inFlyObject (prefab)- flying: Animation of flying figure ・ TickleingFingerAnimation: Animation of tickling finger-[FBX] ・ Nightgaunts.fbx: 3D model data-[tex] ・ No Name. terms of use -Modifiable-The copyright of this model and the modified model belongs to O-To-san-Commercial use-No need to display the author when using in VRChat-Credit notation and author notation are required for commercial use・ Prohibition of redistribution / sale (including modified items) ・ Prohibition of self-made remarks ・ Prohibition of making it available to anyone other than the purchaser (pedestal in VRChat, etc.) (excluding SAMPLE pedestal by the author)
contact information If you have any other questions, please contact O-To-san (twitter @ OTosan_108)