New update released 12/20 - If you're doing the exporting yourself, make sure to re-download the unitypackage.
This is a plugin for my game, which allows you to create and export an anthro critter to VRChat. No modeling or programming experience is required!
Download the game, and make your character. If you're happy with how they look, you can import them into VRChat by buying this tool and then emailing me a file. No need to install or learn Blender or Unity. Follow the instructions here:
Alternatively, if you're willing to install Unity, you can import your character into VRChat manually, without having to email me anything:
Quest avatars are supported - with limitations. You can color them however you like, but there is a strict limit on how many features (horns, tufts, etc) you can add. These quest models build with "Overall Performance: Poor", but they will still upload.
Right now there are 7 species to pick from: Felid, Goat, Rabbit, Avian, Lizard, Canid, Dragon
And a variety of body shapes, plus features like extra horns and floof.
As my game matures, there will be more updates, including (but certainly not limited to!):
1 more species Eye tracking Improved weight painting The terms and conditions are here. basically, I'll attempt to keep my tool alive as long as VRChat is still in service, and also, don't steal the models (which belong to TheRoguez)
I'm always open for feedback - this tool is really experimental (I can't find anything quite like it) so if you're having problems or have a feature to request, send me an email at