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A fairly simple AudioLink shader for vrchat avatars that has support for a number of features, including audio spectrums, pulse effects, color coord, etc.

It can have up to 6 septate audiolink zones, each controlled by a texture indicating the areas to be emissive and using the alpha channel for a directional gradient for certain effects (spectrum, pulse, etc)

it also uses an extra grayscale texture for the second axis for spectrum effects.

each zone has a color effect and a glow effect that can be selected independently, and a toggleable secondary glow that will tint the glow based on another audiolink band.

included effects are:

  • Color
    • Solid (just a solid color)
    • Fade (rgb fade with adjustable speed and brightness)
    • Intensity (fade between 2 colors based on the intensity of a selected audio link band, can pulse along the directional gradient)
    • Theme (Audiolink color coord)
  • Glow
    • Global (change the brightness of the entire zone based on and audiolink band)
    • Pulse (pulse audiolink band along the directional gradient)
    • Fill (uses the directional gradient as a threshold to determine what areas should be lit based off an audiolink band)
    • Spectrum (uses the directional gradient for the y axis and the Spectrum Map for the x axis for an audio spectrum visualizer)
    • Constant (always on)

- You may use/modify this asset for any vrchat avatar/world, just don't re-distribute the source (unless the other person owns their own copy), credit would be appreciated but is not necessary

note: this shader uses Markup Attributes for its interface.

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