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A notice board you can update remotely using Pastebin!

Automatically updates every few minutes so users don't need to re-join to see your changes!

Uses VRChat's fairly new remote string loading system, only works in VRChat worlds.


How to use:

Drag the "Message Board" Prefab into your scene

If prompted, Import TMP Essentials

Navigate to: Message Board -> Canvas -> Txt

Scroll down to the "Pastebin Loader" U# Script

Place in your own Pastebin URL, make sure it's the raw link and set it to never expire

(Optional) Change the text that shows when it is loading

(Optional) Remove the whiteboard model if you want to use your own or just have the text on a wall



1 Material (1k)

1 Mesh (<1K tris)

Example Prefab / Scene


Terms of use:

Do not redistribute files, please link back to this page if you wish to share

Modification is allowed

Any issues with setup? Send me a DM on discord: arranash

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$5.00 USD
This price may be different on the official website.