Open up your heart with this cozy outfit for the Rexouium featuring a croptop, sweatpants and ankle warmers.
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Package Contents
- Unity Package
- Installation Documentation (English)
- 3 Material Options
- Grey, Candy (Pink) and Trackstar (Red)
- Includes 4k and 2k resolution options
- Three articles of clothing for the Rexouium (1.2 / 1.4 / 1.5 / 1.6)
- Long Sleeved Crop Top
- Sweat Pants
- Setup with physbones (String)
- Ankle Warmers
- Substance Painter 2021 File for each material
- Two separate FBX's are also provided specifically for the use within Substance.
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Item Statistics
- Material Slots: 1 (Interchangeable Per Item / All items share same materials)
- Bone Count: Varies Per Rig
- 1.4 / 1.5 / 1.6 - 33 Bones
- 1.2 - 32 Bones
- Blendshapes: Varies Per Item
- Crop Top: 19
- Support for Breathing, ChestBarrel, Female and Muscle blendshapes
- Sweat Pants: 12
- Support for Female and Muscle blendshapes
- Ankle Warmers: 3
- Support for Muscle blendshapes
- Triangle Count (Per item)
- Crop Top: 5,842
- Sweat Pants: 5,713
- Ankle Warmers: 3,000
- Combined Triangle Count: 14,555
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- Unity 2019.4.31f1
- An understanding on how to modify your avatar Menu, Parameters and FX Layer
- An understanding on how to parent items to an armature
- Troubleshooting on how to install contents of this product not provided by author
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Other Notes
Fat and Belly blendshapes are not supported.
Belly Dynamics are not supported
You may experience clipping issues with the following
- Idle Breathe Animations
- Z_Corrective blendshapes (1.4 / 1.5 / 1.6 Only)
- Blendshapes are provided to accommodate these however it is recommended to disable these animations while using this item set.
The following blendshapes are required to avoid clipping
- Crop Top
- Floof_Back_Flat**,** Floof_chest_Flat**,** Floof_Elbows_Flat, HideMesh_UpperArm_L, HideMesh_UpperArm_R
- Sweat Pants
- HideMesh_UpperLeg_L**,** HideMesh_UpperLeg_R
The Sweat Pants will require adjustments to tail
You will need to rotate the tail (Tail_Rt Bone) roughly 15 degrees to use the sweat pants as intended
Further clarifications provided within package for help with installation and setup
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Terms of Use
- You are free to edit these items however you please
- Do not redistribute, resell or share these assets
- Commission work is okay if both parties own the item
- You may include the contents of this package on Public Avatars in VRChat
- Currently you may not use this product commercially
- This product is distributed as is
- While it may receive free updates in the future it is considered a finished product
- Usage outside of VRChat is permitted however not supported
- Above terms still apply to platforms outside of VRChat where applicable
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Common Questions
Will you support other base Rexouium models?
There are no current plans to support alternative models.
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If you have any questions feel free to contact me at my work Email
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Avatars Referenced
The Rexouium is created by Rezillo Ryker and can be found here
I am not affiliated with neither the authors or avatars listed above
Avatars referenced are NOT included in purchase
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Special Thanks
Spark701#0670 - For creating my Rexouium Material.