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whats this? my first from-scratch vrchat model? heck yeah!

If you do buy this model i have a discord where you can ask for help on the model if needed


===IMPORTANT=== Disclaimer: ====This is not refundable

It is a digital product therefore the traditional terms of refunding connect be properly completed. you cannot physically/fairly give the product back to get your money back appropriately

Note: If the VRC SDK says the hips are not 180 degrees and 'might not work well' with FBT. i have fbt and the hips works fine other than the hips having a lil "hip dip" due to weightpainting but it should not stop you from uploading to vrc

this avatar will be receiving free updates over time the avatar is not quest optimized but does work on quest, there is a quest version included in the unity package SDK3 and poiyomi not included if you have purchased the commercial license, you cannot resell the model edit for less than 35$


Package setup and ready to go for 3.0 avatar Physbones on the Head Feathers, Tail, Main HeadFeather, and Tongue full setup of poiyomi shaders which you can get here: comes natively with mmd blendshapes Tail controller to move that big feathery tail!

When you purchase the model you will receive:

FBX File BLEND File SPP File Unity package with everything set up and ready to go Default Texture (as shown in photos)

  • May add a furality texture very soon

SDK not included in project so make sure to import it into your latest Unity before importing the Unity package of the avatar. Unity version used for VRChat: Unity 2019.4.31f1

Terms Of Service: By purchasing this model you agree to the following:

You May:

Edit the model to your liking (if you are selling edits i'd like to be notified through discord/twitter beforehand)

Commissions are okay as long as both parties own the model

Sell accessories, clothing, extra assets but do not include any original parts or assets from the base model

Upload as public to vr platforms such as vrchat, neos, chilloutvr, etc..

You May NOT:

(for personal license) use the model for commercial purposes

take credit for the model

share any original base model files to other that do not own it themselves or upload to asset sharing sites

share any edit or modifications of the avatar that include paid-for assets from a third party source (unless both own said asset(s))

resell any/all assets included in the package (refer to the first rule under "You May" for regarding edits)

if you have any question or have issues with the avatar Contact me on discord or through twitter Discord: novaicnight#8025 Twitter: @x0Fall3n0x

Twitter: @x0Fall3n0x

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