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Customizable feathered wings for VRChat!

The wings have audiolink with spectrum and pathing options, poses, and are very swooshy and smooth. They have nice feather normals so you can get that feather phantom sense. You can choose to customize the wings in unity and/or in game, to match your avatar's colors.

The wings attach using VRCFury, so it should be a simple drag and drop onto your avatar, then scale and move the wings so they are coming out of your back. Then upload!


Wing toggle

Wing size slider (also scales the wings so when they are small they look more smol and cute, and when they are large they look longer)

4 Poses:

  • Up

  • Down

  • Hug

  • Back


  • Audio spectrum, pathing down the center of each feather, and wingtip pulse

  • Toggles for each type of audiolink

  • Audiolink Hue & Saturation sliders

  • Emission slider

Lighting Multiplier Slider (so you can be brighter or darker for those worlds with the weird lighting)

Optional In-Game Wing Color Adjustment

  • Base color and Wingtip color can be changed individually

  • Sliders for Hue Shift, Saturation, and Brightness. So you can get exactly the colors you want.

  • There are prefabs with and without color adjust, so you can save on parameters if you only want to adjust colors in Unity

Rotation Constraint Bones

  • The wings deform very smoothly, because they have rotation constraint bones that smooth out the movement between the bones of the wing. The feathers don't get split at the wing joints, they stay nice and smooth.

Multiple UV Maps for different purposes, including

  • Layered feather UVs for repeating textures and the feather normals

  • Audio spectrum

  • 2 UV maps for different wing gradients

  • Fully unwrapped for detailed texturing (one mirrored UV and one unmirrored UV)

  • Projected UV


  • Unity package

    • Set up for VRCFury, physbones, and Poiyomi
  • Substance File

    • This uses the repeating UV, for the feather normals, or for repeating textures.
  • Textures

  • Blender File

  • FBX

  • Alternate FBX and Substance file set up for non-repeating textures, so you can get every feather just how you want it. These UVs are on the default wings too, just not as the default UV. So you can texture in this substance file and then apply the texture in Poiyomi on UV3 (full instructions below).


Join the Cat Creations discord server to see what other people are making, to share your edits of the wings, and to download other peoples' wing edits:

The server is also where you get certified as owning the wings, for if you wanted to give or receive a commission using the wings (see TOS).


Texture Memory (VRAM): 19.42 MB

Polygons: 6,284 tris

Materials: 1

Skinned Mesh Renderers: 1

Physbone Components: 2

Physbone transform count: 40

Bones: 44

Constraints: 6

Terms of Use

You CAN use this model for personal use in VRChat.

You CAN use this model on public avatars in VRChat.

You CAN use this model to represent yourself as a vtuber, with credit for the model given to Alex the Cat.

When the model is not included:

You CAN freely distribute textures you have made for the model or addons for the model IF AND ONLY IF the model is not included in your product. It is okay to include the armature in your product for weight painting information. But you may not include any other parts of the model. The product must be intended as an addon for the wings, and not as a standalone product.

When the model is included:

You CAN do commissions using the model IF AND ONLY IF both you and the commissioner own the model, and are both certified as owning the model in the Cat Creations discord server (

You CAN sell or give an edit of the model IF AND ONLY IF both you and the buyer own the model, and are both certified as owning the model in the Cat Creations discord server (

You CAN upload the model to another person's account IF AND ONLY IF both you and the person own the model, and are both certified as owning the model in the Cat Creations discord server (

You CAN upload your edits to the #wings-asset-sharing channel in the Cat Creations discord server for other people to use (

You CAN download edits of the wings made by other people which they have posted in the #wings-asset-sharing channel in the Cat Creations discord server (

You Can't:

You CAN'T give any of the files to someone who is not certified in the Cat Creations discord as owning the model (

You CAN'T post the files anywhere where it might become shared with someone who is not certified in the Cat Creations discord as owning the model (

You CAN'T use this model with AI (see Section 2 below for full legal details). Some examples: Don't use AI to texture the model. Don't take pictures of the model and put it into an AI. Don't use the model the train an AI. Just don't use AI anything with any part of the model in any way.


People who have bought the model can certify that they have bought the model using a license key given by gumroad. This will be on the product page after you have purchased the model. By joining the Cat Creations discord server and using this key to become certified, you can gain access to channels where you can share edits of the model, or get edits of the model made by other people. You can also get support with using the model.

Getting certified as owning the model is important for several pieces of the TOS, for example if you wanted to sell or buy an edit of the model or do a commission using the model.


It is prohibited to use this avatar for the purpose of slandering a specific individual or group, or for political or religious activities. It is prohibited to use the avatar to promote any AI related program or any NFTs.

You may not use this avatar in hate speech or hate actions of any kind.

There are no restrictions on the use of R-18 and R-18G, but the creator will not be held responsible for any problems caused by their use.

The creator is not responsible for any financial or mechanical problems caused by the use of this model. Please use it at your own risk.

The creator is not responsible for instructing you on how to use the avatar, or for teaching you how to upload the avatar.

Failure to adhere to terms of service may result in fines and legal action.

TOS Section 2: No Using 3D Avatar Models with AI

2.1 Under this agreement, you're not allowed to use any 3D model, like the 3D avatar model(s) we give you (called the "Avatar"), with any artificial intelligence (AI) program, software, or app.

2.2 To be clear, this rule means you can't use the Avatar for anything related to AI, like creating, changing, or mixing images, working with machine learning or neural networks, or any other AI-related methods.

2.3 You're not allowed to use the Avatar in any AI project, product, or service for any reason—personal, educational, or commercial. This is true no matter where the AI technology comes from or who made it.

2.4 If you find out that someone is using the Avatar with AI programs against these rules, you need to tell us in writing right away and do your best to stop them from doing it.

2.5 Breaking any part of this Section counts as breaking this TOS agreement in whole. If that happens, we can end the agreement without warning and take legal action, like asking a court to stop you from using the Avatar or demanding money for damages.

How to Import and Upload to VRChat



  1. Find your avatar project in the VRC Creator Companion.

  2. Before opening the project, add VRCFury to your project in the creator companion. Instructions are here:

  3. Open your avatar project.

  4. Import Poiyomi if you don't currently have poiyomi in your project:

  5. Import the Feathered Wings Unity Package.

  6. In the folder Alex the Cat Avatars -> Feathered Wings you will find a prefab called "Feathered Wings Prefab (Drag this onto Avatar)". Drag this prefab onto your avatar.

  7. Scale and move the prefab so that it fits your avatar correctly. The wings should be coming out of your upper back.

  8. If your avatar is very small, the wings may be out of view above you, so you will need to zoom out to see them and make them smaller.

  9. Keep in mind that there is an animation to make the wings smaller in game, but there is not an animation to make the wings bigger. So the size you choose in unity is your maximum wing size.

  10. Upload your avatar!

In game, the wing options will be in a submenu called Feathered Wings.

Color Options:

If you don't want to be able to change the wing colors in game, you can use the prefab "No Color Shifting Feathered Wings Prefab" instead.

  • In Unity you can change the default colors of the wings by changing the base color of the wings in the material. The accent color (wingtips) can be changed further down in poiyomi, where it says "Global Themes".

  • Theme color 0 is the wingtip color

  • Theme colors 1, 2, and 3 change the color of different parts of the audiolink.

Texture Options:

If you want to texture the wings fully, with no repeating feather textures, you can use the provided Substance file for texturing with non-repeating textures. When adding the texture to the material in unity, select "UV3" as the desired UV for the texture to use. In poiyomi this can generally be found in a little dropdown menu when you click the expand arrow next to the texture slot. The feather normals should always go on UV0.

UV1 is intended for audiolink spectrum, and is a gradient along each feather from base to tip. UV2 is also a gradient, but lets longer feathers be further down the gradient than shorter feathers.

Wing Attachment Troubleshooting:

If the wings do not attach correctly, check the name of your Chest bone. If it is not called Chest, remove the part of the vrcfury component where it tries to attach the wings to the chest and simply drag the wings under the chest bone on your avatar's armature.

If you want to attach the wings to a part of your body that is not the upper torso, you will also need to remove the part of the vrcfury component where it tries to attach the wings to the chest, and then drag the wings onto the desired part of your avatar.

If you need more detailed instructions on how to upload the avatar, join my discord server and ask for support and people may choose to answer: . Alternatively, consult a youtube video on how to upload an avatar for vrchat using the creator companion, or consult the vrcfury help pages. I will not answer questions on how to upload the avatar.


Are the feathered wings quest compatible?

  • This model is not set up for quest.

How do I verify my purchase?

  • Join my discord server and follow the instructions in #how-to-verify-avatar ( You will get a role and access to a channel to share things with other beans. Free stuff!


Thank you so much to everyone who helped me make and test this avatar, and who encouraged me to keep going. I love you all <3

TinyTurtles suggested the wing bone constraint setup that lets the wings deform smoothly around the joints <3

Tessa (Techdisk) taught me how to do the audiolink setup <3

Keith V. shared his physbone settings for his wings to help me make mine <3

Xendon took photos 2, 3, 4, and 5 on this page!

Worlds Featured in photos and video:

The wing texture normals were made using Substance Painter Fur Brush and Transition Filter by Eslar (

Unity Tool Credits

These are not included, but were used in the creation of the avatar:

VRCFury (

Pumkin's Avatar Tools (

Poiyomi Toon Shader (

Controller Editor by Dreadrith (

Audiolink by llealloo

Video Credits

Demonstration, Videography, and Editing by Alex the Cat

VRChat Worlds: Luminescent Ledge by Thorinair, Kurotori Photo Studio[WIP]By kurotori

Video Music:

Music: Chase The Sundown by Balynt is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

Support by RFM - NCM: