A hairbrush that makes gentle brushing sounds when you brush someone or yourself.
Optional: Can additionally brush specific hairs that I created. Brushable Hairs will get tousled over time and can be brushed back to order with the hairbrush.
Asset: a brush that makes ASMR brushing sounds when brushing over the head
Brush: Tris: 2.048, 1 Material
Can brush Brushable Hairs, see below for available hairs
Prefabs: Standard and Poiyomi versions with materials and textures
The Poiyomi material comes with a color hue wheel in your expression menu.
Uses VRC-Fury - easy to install and deinstall.
Blender File
Unity Package
Avatars shown are not included! The hair is also not included!
Currently available Brushable Hairs:
Hair "Flavour"
Brushable Hair Demonstration:
Poiyomi (made with Poiyomi version 9.0.a29) - only neccessary if you wish to use the color hue slider
VRC-Fury (free to download online, can be added to the Creator Companion as well).