If you want a working watch on your avatar, as well as a discord mic toggle in your VRChat expression menu, this Avatar 3.0 asset gives you both and even does the whole setup for you! Be the first to flex those newly added OSC features.
Drag the prefab onto your avatar arm, press the "Complete setup" button and the tedious setup of parameters, layers, animations etc. is done fully automatically for you. Additionally, you can add a menu option for the Discord mic toggle if you want to use this feature as well, and then you're good to go.
The time on your watch is synced to other users as well. The detailed model texture has fancy reflections and emissions, as well as a normal map. The model and texture was made by the amazing Alex Lotor to be sold here.
The included OSC Application runs on Windows only. It uses the newly added OSC feature by VRChat and therefor requires the newest SDK for avatars. The whole source code is fully documented and structured, has error handling and can easily expanded by you. It is a great way to get started if you're new to OSC, since it can easily be expanded.
The watch requires 16 bit (2x tinyfloat) and the mic toggle requires 1 additional bit of your avatar parameters.
- Editor script for an automatic setup, 430 Lines C#
- OSC Application, 513 Lines C#.NET with GUI
- Application source code and Visual Studio project is included
- Easy configuration via text file (JSON)
- Support over Discord
- Model with 1824 tris, 2 materials (glas and watch), 1 skinned mesh with 3 bones
- Detailed 4k Textures: Albedo/MetallicSmoothness/Normal/Emission
- Discord Microphone Toggle option
- Various Blendshapes to adjust the wristband to your avatar
Like with all my assets, the source code is included, well documented and structured. If you want to use this to understand how a OSC application works, this should give you a good start.
As usual, you will receive all updates for free after you purchase.
- OSC Watch Version: Everything listed above is included
- OSC Watch Version + Support me: The same like the cheaper version, but with a price that better fits the amount of time that was put into this asset.
- OSC Watch Version + Support me (even more): The same like the cheaper versions, but with a price that better fits the amount of time that was put into this asset. Also helps me to add more features for this asset in the future.
As always, if you find that a certain feature is missing, please let me know. I can add more features on-demand as I did for my other products as long as it makes sense for multiple people.
Your avatar setup needs to be SDK3 in order to use this. There is documentation included and the setup should be as easy as copy-pasting the provided prefab and pressing a button to complete the setup automatically. I also included contact options in case you need help setting this up after purchase. All my products are designed to be easy to use without programming knowledge. There is a guide included on how to set it up and what each setting does.
LICENSE: See https://reimajo.booth.pm/ (to be used on your own avatars/worlds only)