Rukko is a 3D model that supports the Unity Humanoid format. #Production Himiko / Change Inarisha Twitter @ bbbbb_himiko #License License CC0 Public Domain [https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/] 3D model (.fbx) of this work "Rukko" and accompanying texture (.fbx) For psd and .png), we waive the rights to the maximum extent required by law and provide them to the public domain. (In summary, redistribution and modification are basically free.) * Since it is also provided with the VN3 license, please select the license that is convenient for you. #Usage rules VRSNS and other 3D model data can be used in accordance with the above license in situations where it is required. For example, VRChat can be used as an avatar, made public, and modified avatars based on this can be sold on booth. # Rukko20211008.unitypackage Unity Package. Only the minimum is set for uploading with VRChat SDK 3. Rukko_ReadMe.txt This text. Rukko20211008 / Rukko20211001.fbx FBX file. Rukko20211008 / RukkoTex.png Texture file. Rukko20211008 / RukkoMask.png Texture outline mask. Rukko20211008 / RukkoTex.psd Texture .psd file. Please use it for modification. VN3Lisence / 20211007015133vn3license.pdf VN3Lisence / 20211007015133vn3license_eng.pdf