Thanks for checking out Abie!
Feature highlights:
Body sliders
Hair and Eye Hue
Lots of Clothing toggles
Face tracking
Gogo loco
Fairly Optimized

What's in the box?
Unity Package (Unity 2022.3.22f1)
Guide to setting her up
Medium performance version with most clothing options
VeryPoor performance version with all clothing options

Poiyomi (just grab the newest version 9+)
Jerry's Facetracking Template - If you want facetracking to work
GoGoLoco - If you want GoGoLoco to work

The stats:
~64000 Triangles
3 Skinned mesh renderers
5 Material Slots
5 Physbone components
39 Physbone transforms
6 Contacts
~60 MB Texture memory
~77000 Triangles
3 Skinned mesh renderers
5 Material Slots
7 Physbone components
45 Physbone transforms
6 Contacts
~60 MB Texture memory
~53000 Triangles
3 Skinned mesh renderers
5 Material Slots
7 Physbone components
45 Physbone transforms
6 Contacts
~60 MB Texture memory
VRCFT adds 1 skinned mesh renderer and 1 material slot for its debug menu.
PC Only for now. I'll look into supporting Quest if there is enough demand for it 💕

DO NOT Redistribute, share, or give the avatar to anyone
DO NOT Resell assets from this avatar, neither alone or on other avatars
DO NOT Upload as a public model
DO Customize Abie to be all yours! 💖
DO Offer commissions for the model if both own the avatar
DO Stream with the model, but I appreciate credit if you do

Wanna know if you like her first? Public version available here:
Deer base by me based off the Zeedah by ZinPia
Face Tracking setup by Jerry
Ease of setup by VRCFury
Shaders by Poiyomi
Everything else by me💕 Let me know if you want me to release anything separately for the zeedah!