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This is Fem-chan, the fifth child of UNo, who is very lovely. A small fluffy chemo with a mainspring on its back, featuring large ears. You can change the hairstyle with the shape key. (Short, long, sharp hair tips, flow left and right) * Humanoid Bone compatible avatar created assuming VRC. It can be used for other services as long as it does not violate the terms. [New] Avatar 3.0 compatible Fem 2nd (1/2) [Model information] 1. Eye tracking & automatic blink setting 2. Full tracking support 3. Avatar 3.0 support 4. Custom expression menu 21 facial expressions, parts on / off menu set 5. Idle animation set 6. Body included 7. Goro sleep controller setting ・ Included controller: Minminmin-sama animation: Genryu-sama

[Data] 1. Avatar 3.0 compatible Unity Package 2. Model data ・ Fem2nd.fbx ・ Fem2nd_Kemohand.fbx ・ Fem2nd_Hadaka.fbx (elementary body) ・ Fem2nd_Kemohadaka.fbx (elementary body) ・ Fem2nd.blend (blender 2.8) 3. Texture modification Clip, svg, psd data and raw Includes PNG data.

[New] Avatar 3.0 compatible Fem2nd (2/2) [Terms of Service] Avatar 3.0 compatible Fem2nd is released under VN3 license. For details, please refer to the UNO Avatar Model Comprehensive Terms of Service at the URL below.

[How to use] 1. Install Unity 2018.4.20f1 on your computer. 2. Start Unity and select Import Package => Custom Package from Asset on the top menu to install VRCHAT SDK 3. 3. Unzip the purchased file in the same way as step 2 and install Fem2nd.unitypackage. 4. On Unity, open the prefab folder from the folders at the bottom center and select the one you like from the Fem2nd data contained in it. 5. Drag and drop the one selected in step 4 onto the Hierarchy on the left. (This is the part with items such as SampleScene, Main Camera, Directional Light, etc.) 6. Select VRChat SDK => Show Control Panel from the top menu. 7. A window will open and you will be asked to log in to VRChat. Log in. 8. Select Setting from the tabs at the top of the window opened in step 7. Uncheck the Future proof publish checkbox in it. Then select Builder from the top tab. 9. Click Build & Publish for Windows in the lower right corner. 10. When you return to the main screen of Unity, the avatar upload screen will appear. Select the check box above Upload and press Upload. ⚠Caution⚠Please be sure to select Private for Sharing. 11. Wait for the upload. 12. After uploading, select VRChat SDK => Show Control Panel again to open the window. 13. Select Builder again, click Switch Build Target to Android in the center, accept the pop-up menu and wait for the process to finish. 14. Select Builder again and click Build & Publish for Android displayed at the bottom right to upload in the same way. ⚠Caution⚠Please be sure to select Private for Sharing. 15. If both Windows Support and Android Support appearing under the central avatar name on the Builder tab are YES, it is successful. Thank you for your hard work. 16. Launch VRChat and enjoy Kawaii!

Product details (Avatar 2.0) ~ Model data ~ ・ FBX Fem.fbx ・ VRM Fem.vrm ・ Blender Fem.blend Sotai.blend * Since it is data created with blender 2.8, it is not fully compatible with blender version 2.8 or less and other software. We cannot guarantee it. ~ Image data ~ ・ Texture Fem_tex.png Fem_Emit.png Fem_tex_out.png Fem_tex_Shade1.png Fem.clip, Fem.psd, Fem_Base.svg, Fem_Shade.svg, and PNG data of each of these layers * When color modification is performed Since writing is done by dodging, it is possible by having the color of the color layer changed. ~ Unity ~ Fem.unitypackage This is unity package data that includes models, textures, shaders, and prefabs with their settings.

Detailed explanation (Avatar 2.0) ~ About full tracking ~ Confirmed and supported. ~ Eye tracking, automatic blinking ~ Only automatic blinking is set. * There is no bone for eye tracking. ~ Shape key and facial expression ~ The following items are set. 1. Lip sync for VRChat and standby animation 2. 7 types of set facial expressions (animation file) * It is possible to mix facial expressions and create various facial expressions by issuing different hand signs with the left and right hands. 3. 20 facial expression morphs 5. 3 hairstyle change morphs (short, long, left and right sink) ~ Shader ~ Unity-chan Toon Shader ver.2.0.7 is used at the time of production. If the shader is updated, please use the latest version at the following URL.

Terms of Service (Avatar 2.0) □ Commercial use: Partially possible We do not limit the reflection of avatars on monetized distributions. In addition, you are free to sell costumes, ornaments, texture sets for modification, etc. for femmes created using the body. If you would like to use it for other commercial purposes, please contact us on Twitter ID "@ Altm0ne". □ Modification: Recommended The creator will be very pleased if you modify it. I would be even more pleased if you could come to see me. Please try various modifications. There are no restrictions on conversion of variants to VRM or uploading to VRoid Hub with DL restrictions. However, redistributing, selling, and using the modified model as a cloneable Public avatar is prohibited. The copyright of the modified model belongs to Müno. □ Use for R-18 and R-18G contents: Possible There are no restrictions on the use for R-18 and R18G contents, but please be considerate of other people. □ Use of VRChat in Avatar Pedestal-Cloneable Public: Prohibition It is prohibited to keep this model freely available to anyone other than the purchaser regardless of modification. □ It is prohibited to use it for political, religious activities, or slanderous purposes against others. □ Müno shall not be liable for any troubles or losses caused by using this model or modified model. □ The latest terms of use are always applied. Please be careful.

Included (Avatar 2.0) -3Dmodel- * FBX Vier.fbx * VRM Fem.vrm * Blender Vier.blend You can use this file on blender v2.79 -Texture files- * Texture Vier_base_tex.png Vier_emit.png Vier_Grademap.png Vier_Shadow1_tex.png Vier_Shadow2_tex.png .png Vier.clip, Vier.psd, Vier.svg, VierShadow.svg, PNG files * Unity files Vier.unitypackage

About 3D model (Avatar 2.0)

  • Full body tracking> Supported. * Eye tracking, Auto Blinking Only Auto Blinking.

BlendShape & Hand Sign (Avatar 2.0) Already set ... 1.Lipsync & Idle Animation. 2.Hand Sign. 3.18 BlendShapes for Facial expression. 4.BlendShapes for Changing Bust size. 5.BlendShapes for change Hair styale. 6.BlendShapes for hide accessory.

Terms of Use (Avatar 2.0) To use for bussiness: Almost NOT Ofcourse, You can't sell These files. If You want to use this avator on business, you should contact me. (twitter: @ Altm0ne) Upload as Public avator: NO Sharing this 3Dmodel (Uploading Online) storage, P2P): NO Use for Political activity: NO Use for Religious activities: NO Use for slander: NO Behavior witch misunderstood as being an original product: NO To use for actions and purposes contrary to public order and morals: NO

Change log 2019.10.26 …… ver.1.0.1 released Changes: Addition of VRM file 2019.10.27 …… ver1.0.2 released There are the following changes ・ Standard Lite material to prevent overexposure and darkening Please select additional Toonlit or Standard Lite as you like 2019/11/03 …… ver1.0.3 released There are the following changes ・ Correction of overexposure in Toonlit (color adjustment layer can be applied to PSD data If you worked with PSD, please reduce the brightness by 15% after png output) ・ Set to lower one ear with animation wink (I also leave animation files that do not) 2019/11/06… … Ver1.1.3 Public Fixed the problem that the mesh penetrates some trousers unnaturally when the heel is attached to the tail during full tracking. 2020/4/4 …… ver1.1.6 released This is a response to the update of VRC to Unity 2018. 2021/1/16 …… ver2.0.0 released Fem2nd compatible with Avatar3.0 has been added. 2021/1/21 Fem2nd VRM file was added. Please download and use 2021/1/23 …… ver2.1.1 Public You can now change your facial expression with a hand sign. Since the structure in the Animation folder and FemAC.Controller in Fem2nd have been changed, it is strongly recommended to re-import the corresponding file. 2021 / 2/2 …… ver2.2.1 Published Added Fem-chan Parker style 2021/2/2 …… ver2.3.1 Published Fixed an incorrect file attachment. 2.2.

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