Here's the Full Release for the Swalia(Swaria) Conversion Kit You do Need the Following: Swaria Base File(Original required) Latest VRC SDK Unity chan Toon Shader or if you already have your own materials maybe Poiyomi. if you don't mind editing stuff This Includes the Following: The Leak and Pull out menu that was included with ADJerry's Rikkors Locomotion fix(Altered for Swalia) Wing Fix (If you use Winged Avatars that are like the Swalia it may be of some interest to try with this setup as looking through you can get an idea of what to fix and work with) the ability to pull out BOTH Leaks with positional Gestures(Leaks are on Back Hip on both sides) boopable Nose (this plays the normal Cry through the Nose instead of Gesture. Normal Gesture will no longer produce the cry) The Stick now have the BONK Sound effect strapped to them. I put my attempt at teaching 3.0 in the Layers themselves (Do with as you will) And Finally. It has Physbones!! ;D They seem to work identically to how they did in 2.0 Install in the following order: SDK>Shader>Base Model>Conversion Kit Swalia Original Base (REQUIRED): VRCSDK: Join the Rikkor Cafe Discord!!