This is a Kigurumi Onesie for MiloFox's: KitFox, KitDerg, & KitCat Avatars. Easy drag and drop installation. Swap in your own seamless patterns within unity.
Test Avatars:
VRC Demo: KitCatVRC Demo: KitFoxVRC Demo: KitDerg
Included in Package:
- VRC Fury Prefab (.prefab): Drag and drop prefab
- Unity file (.unitypackage): Comes with the rigged model, blendshapes, and materials
- Project file (.blend): Rigged 3D model
- FBX file (.fbx): Rigged 3D model.
- Image textures (.png): Image textures for Poiyomi
- Substance Painter file (.spp): for texture customization.
- Materials (.spp): Poiyomi materials setup for easy color and pattern customization in unity.
Installation Instructions:
- Download VRC Fury
- Install the latest Poiyomi Toon Shader
- Select the accessory prefab and drag onto the avatar root
- Edit the materials by swapping in your own seamless pattern into the detail slot.
- Upload!
Contact Info:
Don’t hesitate to reach out to me using the contact information provided below.
- You are not allowed to resell any assets included in the package, or redistribute them in any way (even if they are modified).
- You can share modified assets if parties have already purchased the assets.
- Use on public avatars is permitted
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