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This is a Kigurumi Onesie for MiloFox's: KitFox, KitDerg, & KitCat Avatars. Easy drag and drop installation. Swap in your own seamless patterns within unity.

Test Avatars:

VRC Demo: KitCatVRC Demo: KitFoxVRC Demo: KitDerg

Included in Package:

  • VRC Fury Prefab (.prefab): Drag and drop prefab
  • Unity file (.unitypackage): Comes with the rigged model, blendshapes, and materials
  • Project file (.blend): Rigged 3D model
  • FBX file (.fbx): Rigged 3D model.
  • Image textures (.png): Image textures for Poiyomi
  • Substance Painter file (.spp): for texture customization.
  • Materials (.spp): Poiyomi materials setup for easy color and pattern customization in unity.

Installation Instructions:

VRC FuryPoiyomi

  1. Download VRC Fury
  2. Install the latest Poiyomi Toon Shader
  3. Select the accessory prefab and drag onto the avatar root
  4. Edit the materials by swapping in your own seamless pattern into the detail slot.
  5. Upload!

Contact Info:

Don’t hesitate to reach out to me using the contact information provided below.


  • You are not allowed to resell any assets included in the package, or redistribute them in any way (even if they are modified).
  • You can share modified assets if parties have already purchased the assets.
  • Use on public avatars is permitted
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